Title: Disparate Stairway Radical Other (audio)
Artist / Author: Lucia Dlugoszewski
Year: 1995
Year Recorded: 1999
Length of Audio Sample: 21:25
Start listening at: 10:00
Stop listening at: 14:30
This piece was Dedicated to Mikhail Baryshnikov, Erick Hawkins (in memoriam), and Mary Norton Dorazio (in memoriam). Commissioned by the The White Oak Dance Project for the dance “Journey of a Poet” by Erick Hawkins.
The White Oak Ensemble:
Conrad Harris and Margaret Jones, violin
David J. Bursack, viola
Dorothy Lawson, cello
This example highlights many of Dlugoszewski compositional interests: exploring timbre, extremes in dynamics, range, density, and utilizing new techniques on traditional instruments to make new sounds. It is also illustrative of the virtuosity required to perform many of her works. This work will be presented in the third concert of the project.