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Blind Date: Part 1

Sunday - 7:30pm (ET)
February 27, 2011

Christ Church
2nd Above Market Philadelphia PA 19106
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We invited ten of the most interesting performers – five musicians and five dancers – and paired them up with someone they’ve never performed with – on a Blind Date. We played match maker – and we were careful to take risks. What will happen? We don’t exactly know, but Blind Date is here to inspire that conversation, to bring the possibilities between music and dance into focus, to help us understand and challenge the continuum of improvisation and composition in performance, and to anticipate the unknown, and the inherent potential for disaster but also greatness that comes from this edge of inquiry. We liked this idea so much, we did it twice.


The lineup for part one is:


Megan Bridge & Joo Wan Park

Shavon Norris & Andrew Nelson

Jumatatu Poe & Gillian Grassie

Leah Stein / Germaine Ingram & Dave Champion / Dan Blacksberg

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